The Blog in Brief…

WELCOME to the blog of

Alannah Foley… aka The Pyjama Writer

Author of Mysteries, Travel Tales, Fiction and more…

BIO PIC CIRCLE PNG2Hi, I’m Alannah Foley, a multi-genre author who enjoys writing ‘across the board’ and bringing a sense of fun to my work wherever possible.

UPDATEI’m blogging and posting on social media a whole lot less now in favour of focusing my precious time on writing books that readers will enjoy.

The good news? I do occasionally post updates on social media, BUT the absolute-best ports of call for following me & getting the most up-to-date information on my work are as follows:

The Pyjama Writer website

Updated regularly with my latest news & writing projects.

My Newsletter

Join my VIP Readers Group and get my newsletter – The Inside Scoop. As a member, you’ll be the first to hear about upcoming books and any other goodies I might be offering. It’s a pester-free zone, so you won’t get floods of emails! Simply click here to sign up or type this address into your browser:

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2 Responses to The Blog in Brief…

  1. thatssojacob says:

    Hey there Alannah! Just clicking around the blogosphere and commenting on blogs that I think are fun and interesting, and you’re one of them. October is my birthday month, so consider this an invitation to my month-long birthday party. Hope to see you over at That’s So Jacob sometime!

    • Alannah Foley says:

      Thanks for that, Jacob. By the way, in response to a comment on your ABOUT page, I think the art to looking young & old at the same time is to have a pair of glasses handy. You don’t even need to have lenses in them – just a frame will do. With them off, you’re fresh-faced and youthful. Should you wish to cultivate the look of an older, studious type, just take them out of the case and pop them on. Hope the advice helps! 😉

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